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Finding a crew together can be somewhat tough, nevertheless its less hard you may think. I'll show you some tips We have learned in my opinion in filming and putting a good crew together.

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When shooting a movie you have to take everything into account. To get this done, we separate all of it into different departments, which makes it much easier to manage. I am going to list some departments here, although yours might be a little different: Production which includes the software creator and then for any assistants, Art including the performers, sets, props etc, Make-up, which includes hair, make-up and costumes, Camera which is who's shooting the scene with the camera, Sound and Lighting, that is where your technicians come in, and Crafting, basically making food etc. Yours may have more departments then that, but that is the basic set up.


If you know anyone in the industry that has some type of experience with filming, editing, shooting or anything like this, see if you can acquire their help. If your only starting out you almost certainly wont know anyone that way, but its usually a good idea and get your mates if they do. Maybe they did a little project awhile back you didn't know about, or before you met them. It never hurts to question.

If your friends don't have professional experience, maybe their friends do. Ask your mates when they know anyone that practical knowledge inside the film making industry. The possibilities could be small, however, if first starting out those chances will be huge for you.

Lets back up to asking your friends for help again. But this time don't worry about should they have experience in the film industry. Maybe they have skills that report to business in general. You may have friends that are great at writing, keeping track of money, running errands things such as that. Maybe many of them wish to act and want some experience. This would be a good chance for them. You might not have the ability to pay them right away, but I know they wont mind. Most friends will help if you need it.

Personally one of the best approaches to find crew members is students. These students need to make an identity on their own and place some films under their belt. Not every one of choices actors either. You will find students to assist in all departments of one's film. Remember they're going to school within this industry, so that they will probably be desperate to show their skills and do a good job for you personally. Most will require small pay or no pay in substitution for the knowledge. To for schools that have job boards with students trying to find work.

An execllent choice is placing ads. Do a search online for websites that enable you to place ads. Some cost nothing or charge almost no money. You can also place ads within your local newspaper. It costs a bit more, but it could possibly be definitely worth it if you discover someone with valuable skills.